
There are a couple of reason’s why I’m creating this blog.  The first of which is accountability. While I was very fortunate to maintain employment and financial stability during the cluster that was 2020, I’ve noticed that my spending continually creeped upwards, and my satisfaction with how I spent my money has continually gone down.  Like many, I’ve decided that my new years resolution would be to decrease my spending in 2021, and this blog will be a way of keeping me accountable and tracking my progress.


Helping Others

Like many millennials, I have taken on a sizeable amount of student debt to finance my professional development and education. While the number is high enough to induce anxiety in my family members when discussed, I have been able to continue to obtain my financial goals of home ownership, zero credit card debt, and a satisfactory level of retirement funding. It is my goal to share the tips and tricks I’ve used over the years to help others achieve these goals as well. Seeing others overcome their financial challenges has been a source of inspiration for me. 

Over the next year, I hope to help others

  • Make a Basic Budget
  • Reduce Spending that doesn’t bring happiness
  • Save for retirement
  • Understand their student loan repayment options
  • Find financial freedom